Lyneal Chairperson: Sarah Smith-Roe – email
Lyneal Booking Secretary: Mrs. Mary Howard – email
Lyneal Treasurer: Victoria Smith-Roe – email

Girlguiding Shropshire is set within Girlguiding Midlands Region and is an integral part of the national Girlguiding organisation.
Girlguiding Shropshire enables more than 2,400 girls and young women to develop their potential and to make a difference, through a self planned programme of activities and challenges, guided by more than 500 trained adult volunteers.
The aim of Guiding is to help girls and young women develop emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so that they can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider world.
Girls can join us at 4 in the Rainbow section (4 – 7 years) and we also have groups for older girls, Brownies (7 – 10 years), Guides (10 – 14 ) and Rangers (14 – 18 years). We also have a number of roles for adult volunteers.
For more information see: